Engagement and Wellbeing

William Ruthven Secondary College’s sub-structure provides students with a sense of belonging, the confidence to be themselves and the skills to meet challenges.

  • We offer a broad range of elective subjects to allow students to learn about themselves and the local, national and global issues that affect them.
  • Our wellbeing leaders ensure students are well supported. We use positive psychology to help students develop positive behaviours and manage the challenges of school and life.
  • We provide individualised learning and appropriate, individuals goals are set for each student with teachers providing regular, clear and helpful feedback that is also accessible to parents online through Compass.
  • We provide the Learning Extension and Advancement Program (LEAP) for students who are high achievers and may benefit from additional challenges and opportunities.

Wellbeing Team

Students can meet with our friendly wellbeing team and be provided with support for their health and emotional wellbeing.

Services provided by the team include:

  • Support with a range of personal issues including stress, social skills, motivation, self-esteem, relationship issues, grief and physical and mental health issues;
  • Identifying students’ strengths and values, problem solving and goal setting;
  • Personal and confidential short-term counselling;
  • Consultation and support to families and caregivers
  • Referral to, and liaison with, community agencies (such as Headspace) and private practitioners
  • Referral to psychology services
  • Coordination of programs facilitated by school staff and external providers to support the resilience, health, and wellbeing of all student
  • Support for Program for Students with a Disability applications.

WRSC Wellbeing Team

Student Wellbeing Coordinator – Deanna De Luca & Tamika Massey
Adolescent Health Nurse – Hailey Doherty
Wellbeing Counsellor (Mental Health Practitioner) – Rebecca Norton

If a student would like to see the Mental Health Practitioner, please see the Student Wellbeing Coordinators to discuss this referral.