At the end of Term 2, our Year 9 elective students took part in a wonderful music program called School of Rock.
Hosted by the North Western Metropolitan Region DET, School of Rock features bands, choirs, dance groups, marimba ensembles and musical groups from around 49 Victorian schools that all come together for a madcap musical experience to rival any great concert.
NWMR music coordinator Piero D’Elia said the event continues to grow in size and popularity; more than 20, 000 students of all ages have participated in this major show since its inception more than 10 years ago.
“We started in 2004 with 30 schools and 900 kids and since then we have almost at times throughout the 12 years, almost doubled school attendance and student participation,” he said.
As D’Elia explained, everyone who takes part, including the audience, is the big winner on the day.
“It’s not about who is the best, it’s about anyone from Prep to Year 12 getting on stage performing with attitude and whether it’s your first time performing or your 13th; it’s about getting out there and singing, rapping, dancing or playing awesome guitar riffs and just having fun in front of a live audience of kids from other schools.
“The students really remember SOR for a long time. I love roving around and asking students about their experiences during the day and getting to know the students on a personal level, the students really have a fun, engaging and productive day.”