Our Year

Australian Cancer & Health Sciences Competition

On 7 August, Year 10 students Georgia Magnisalis, Katerina Zafiris, Alex McCallion, Alina Sirin and Zainab Al-samairy were selected to compete in Australian Cancer & Health Sciences Competition at the Gene Technology Access Centre in Parkville.

The program, run in collaboration with the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute and Melbourne University, was an all-day event that gave students the opportunity to listen to high-profile cancer researchers, take part in workshops, hear from cancer survivors and compete in the high school cancer challenge.

The challenge consisted of a 45 minute test and the prize, awarded to the two students with highest scores, was a one week internship at Melbourne University to work with some of Australia’s top cancer researchers.

The students were given access to an in-depth syllabus that focussed on different types of cancer, causes for cancer, and how cancer treatments work.

The syllabus was released a month ago but the girls were given late notice and only had one week to study the syllabus.

The girls studied hard and had a fantastic and educational day. Georgia scored a fantastic 32/40 on her test, the second highest, and higher more than 100 other students from across Victoria.

She was awarded one of the two internships at the Olivia Newton John Cancer Wellness Centre in Heidelberg over the holidays. Massive congratulations to Georgia and well done to Katerina, Alina, Zainab and Alex!